About Us
International Dairy Products (T) Ltd was formed in 1998 but actually started operations in 2001. At that time we felt the strong need for quality dairy products for both the domestic and commercial markets in Tanzania. The support from the government of Tanzania to further develop this industry has always been strong.
Our main aim was to connect the local farmers milk to reach the end consumer in a decent packaged form. With this goal in mind we have succeeded in producing consistently high quality products for all sectors in the market. We hope to serve the community and Tanzanians by proudly producing quality dairy products made in Tanzania.
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Praesent erat eros, malesuada nec augue non, aliquet finibus orci. Duis vitae cursus tortor. Suspendisse blandit volutpat.
Donec vel volutpat erat. Sed in nulla vitae elit accumsan tempus. Aliquam dapibus ligula gravida, blandit enim ac, sagittis justo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in varius ante. Sed quis luctus eros. Phasellus rutrum laoreet leo in consequat.

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Elizabeth Sofia
Customer Service

Elizabeth Sofia
Customer Service
- Phone:+1255 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com

Elizabeth Sofia
Customer Service

Elizabeth Sofia
Customer Service
- Phone:+1255 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com

Elizabeth Sofia
Customer Service

Elizabeth Sofia
Customer Service
- Phone:+1255 254-6589
- Email:info@example.com
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